Can businesses also take advantage of impulse buying in an online context? Of course!
Although they share certain characteristics, the way people shop online and in-store differ in certain aspects . Online shopping is generally more planned . Conscious shopping is great and saves a lot of money, but what about products that are traditionally bought on impulse?
What is impulse buying?
Impulse buying is when you make an unplanned purchase. We've all been to the supermarket and ended up buying products that weren't on the list, without really knowing why. Brands know this, which is why up to 65% of purchases are made this way.
How can you take advantage of this type of shopping?
The Internet is an ideal channel for discovering new products and services, but it is clearly less efficient when it comes to purchasing them . The processes required by e-commerce (registration, authentication and payment) increase the time between desire and purchase , which can cause your customer to reconsider whether they really need the product.
Put your branding to work
You must have already created your brand, right? It's time to make it shine! The successive contacts you have with your customer must generate closeness and trust . Trust in your company is an essential factor in completing the purchase.
So this point is clear: establish a presence on page seo service on different channels , show the human face of your brand, build relationships of trust . Purchasing decisions will be made more quickly.
It is essential to be special
Products that are usually bought impulsively are those that have a lower financial risk , i.e. are cheaper or have a positive cost-benefit ratio. By creating attractive offers , you are more likely to arouse desire.
Have offers related to specific times of the year . Remember that it’s always a good time for people to visit your online store, so by increasing user traffic , you can get them to come to your site, increasing the chances of them buying more products.
The eye also buys
Create virtual storefronts where people can choose products. Use quality photos and complete , relevant settings . You can use Instagram Shopping , for example, which allows you to display product information by simply clicking on the photo and directing people to the specific point on your company's website where they can buy it.