Greater control of data on passengers on flights Women of the Civil Guard at Madrid Barajas Airport Civil Guard Due to the terrible terrorist attacks that Europe has suffered in recent years, member countries began to demand greater regulation at the European level on issues such as passengers present on flights to community countries. As a consequence, in April 2016, the European Parliament approved what is known as PNR (passenger name record). This law imposes more extensive collection, use and retention of passenger data on flights within the EU.
Since its approval, airlines have to provide the authorities with data relating to passengers on all flights from third countries to the EU, and vice versa. This data includes contact information, payments or SW Business Directory luggage, among others. Regulation on plastics plastic garbage In terms of ecology and the environment, some of the measures taken by the European Parliament in the last legislature have been designed to influence the use of plastic that we Europeans make.

With the aim of progressively reducing the presence of plastics in member countries, in Europe imposed the obligation to reduce the use of the most used plastic bags (thinner than 0.05 millimeters) . Continuing with these measures, this same year the community countries took a step further by approving to ban a series of items made with single-use plastics starting in .The EU throws plastic in the trash Limitation of greenhouse gas emissions Cars pollution, traffic jam in the city of Madrid In , MEPs voted to support what is known as the Paris Agreement . A historic moment, in environmental matters, since it represents the first legally binding global climate agreement at an international level. According to this, the EU committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least.